Campaigns & Execution

B2B Marketing Tips

Last week our friend and colleague, Scott Salkin of IDS Technology Marketing, held a lunch and learn for the members of the Arizona Technology Council.

Scott’s presentation – 6 Myths of B2B Marketing – provided many helpful B2B marketing tips that address the changing role of the B2B marketing function in today’s digital world.

Here’s the presentation:

Key Takeaways and B2B Marketing Tips

Here’s the quick and dirty summary of Scott’s 1-hour workshop:

  • In 2012, 91% of B2B marketers used social media. It’s not going away.
  • Branding directly affects lead generation.
  • Sales enablement is important for B2B buyers, and 57% feel that sales reps are typically not well enough prepared for their initial meeting.
  • Print, direct mail, and telemarketing (yes, telemarketing!) can still be very effective in the B2B world.
  • B2B marketing strategy doesn’t have to be difficult; focus on the nuts and bolts: goal, target audience, offer, fulfillment.

B2B Marketing Doesn’t Have to Be Boring…

And the final takeaway? B2B marketers can be creative.

The days of feature/benefit selling and data sheets and decisions made solely on cost/benefit analysis are waning. B2B buyers make emotional decisions, just like consumers, and feel personal connections with B2B brands.

So go ahead with that crazy campaign idea.

Scott Salkin Presenting B2B Marketing Tips








If Scott can work Marshawn Lynch (a.k.a. “Beast Mode,” the RB for the Seattle Seahawks) into his educational presentation, you can get away with your crazy campaign idea.

You’ll stand out … and your market might love you for it.

And if you work for a technology company and are looking for ways to sharpen your strategy, generate leads and enhance your sales enablement, don’t hesitate to reach out to Scott.

We’ve worked with him for years.



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