News & Updates

Accessing Marketing Tools from Pre-Built Projects

When you’re starting out with Marketing MO, you can preview the tools in the Browse Tools view. To interact with them, you must access them from a project. One option is to create a pre-built project. Step 1: Create your pre-built project Click on the New Project button on the homepage or in the main…Read More

News & Updates

Evaluating Marketing MO During Your Free Trial

Marketing MO is a marketing strategy and planning app. Use it to define marketing strategies, create campaign plans, measure marketing investments and design and manage marketing projects. To get feel for how it works during your free trial, try: Browsing the marketing tools: 30 subjects; 247 deliverables; 667 marketing tools Opening a pre-built marketing project to access…Read More

News & Updates

Marketing MO Planning App is Live

Our new marketing strategy and planning app is now live. From the app, you can: Access pre-built marketing projects (with all the tasks and guidance already in the project) Browse through 665 guided marketing tools – over 1,000 pages of how-to content Download 144 programmed spreadsheets for all the complex marketing calculations Create detailed brand…Read More

News & Updates

Beta Program Update

Our beta program for our new marketing strategy and planning app is coming to a close. Thanks to everyone who has requested an invite! We capped our invite list at 1,000, so if you didn’t receive an invite, you’ll have an opportunity to preview the app with a free trial once we go live. We’ll…Read More

News & Updates

Web Awards You Don’t Want to Win

This week, Vincent Flanders of Web Sites That Suck posted his dubious list of 2006’s worst sites.  His winners include #10 Brown University (“overwhelmingly difficult to use”) and #7 P&G (for their strange sideways navigation, among other things). Vincent also notes, “There were so many bad sites last year that I had to divide The…Read More

News & Updates

Overcome 4 Common Marketing Attitudes

I was just writing a post very similar to this one that just popped up in my email. It’s by C.J. Hayden, a contributing editor at, and it talks about four common marketing attitudes that can sabotage a small service company’s marketing efforts. 4 Common Marketing Attitudes Have you had any of these thoughts…Read More

News & Updates

How to Test Your Typing Speed

This little tool is a fun 60-second diversion. It’s also handy if you want to challenge your employees or colleagues to a friendly Friday contest. After all, if people are hunting-and-pecking, they’re not getting the most from their day. Funny how I broke 100 wpm on another online test and only eked out 52…Read More

News & Updates

How to Keep Billing Mistakes from Getting Pricey

What would you do if you received a phone bill for two hundred trillion dollars?  (Yes, trillion!)  As unbelievable as it sounds, it actually happened — Reuben Swartz tells the story in his Dollars and Sense blog. Yes, billing mistakes happen.  But pricing reflects your brand and invoicing errors can erode it.  Think about the…Read More

News & Updates

How to Reach Technology Buyers

If you’re marketing a technology product or service, MarketingSherpa just released a report that can help you generate more leads. Sherpa researchers asked 1,900 business technology marketers about their offers, marketing budgets, sales process and promotional tactics.  They also asked 633 business execs about their technology buying decisions and their recommendations for reaching them effectively….Read More

News & Updates

How to Implement “The Long Tail”

If you’ve read Chris Anderson’s The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More, you’re probably thinking about ways to implement his recommendations in your business.  This post by Guy Kawasaki, The Wrong Tail:  A Checklist for Long-Tail Implementations, is a great place to start. And if you haven’t read The…Read More

News & Updates

How to Stay on Course

June has flown by and Q2 ends tomorrow.  Did you meet your quarterly goals?  And are you on track to meet your annual goals? If you’re falling short, why not spend next week (minus the holiday, of course) planning the rest of your year?  Even if you’re ahead of schedule, it’s still the perfect time…Read More

News & Updates

Marketing Blog Awards

Thank you for voting for “Marketing Tips from the Trenches” in MarketingSherpa’s 2006 blog awards. It was an honor to be nominated, but alas, our blog didn’t qualify to win – it turns out that winners had to have started publishing before 2006.  Yet it was great to be recognized when we’ve only been at…Read More

News & Updates

And the Nominees Are …

We’ve been in the trenches all day and almost missed the news flash – we’ve been nominated for MarketingSherpa’s coveted “best blog” award, B to B category. We’re honored to be nominated – we’re in terrific company.  But let’s be honest – we’d really like to win.  Who wouldn’t? If you enjoy and find value…Read More

News & Updates

How to Talk About Your Product With Passion

I was listening to Tony Robbins last night – is he not the most infectious speaker on Earth?  And it’s so easy to apply his techniques to marketing strategies and tactics. For example, how passionate are you when you talk about your company, products, experience, etc.?  Are you as enthusiastic and confident as you should…Read More

News & Updates

How to Manage a Successful Project

I recently added the popular Lifehacker blog to my reading list and am enjoying their posts (they recently highlighted a wiki article about how to erase a Sharpie from your whiteboard — very handy). Lee’s first tip:  Get your team excited! No enthusiasm, no results.  They need to have a stake in the outcome and share…Read More

News & Updates

How to Sell Ice to an Eskimo

Let me start by saying I’d love to be able to sell ice to an Eskimo. But you know what? Eskimos don’t need ice. They’re surrounded by it. Unless I have the most incredible, cheap or convenient ice on Earth, I’d be a lot better off selling to prospects who aren’t already in the arctic….Read More

News & Updates

How to Generate Word of Mouth (WOM!)

Reading about “WOM units” in marketing articles makes me chuckle. Oh, the acronyms! But word of mouth is a tremendous tool. The big question – how can you get it? Roy H. Williams, author of the New York Times bestseller Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads, explains How to Buy Word of Mouth in…Read More

News & Updates

How to Learn from Bad Websites

Warning — this site can be addictive:  Web Sites That Suck. But it can also teach you a LOT about what NOT to do on your website.  And you’ll learn from corporate giants like Microsoft, FedEx & Intel. Hot topics include Mystery meat navigation, What would do?, and The Worst Web Pages in the World. Writer…Read More

News & Updates

How to Melt an Ice Cube

Recently I had great fun writing about how to get past a gatekeeper when cold-calling a prospect or potential business partner.  But getting past the gatekeeper is only part of your battle to get your prospect’s attention. Nobody wants to be dragged into a phone call.  If you’ve strongarmed your way in, you have to…Read More

News & Updates

How to Use Metrics to Improve Performance

If you’re a Wall Street Journal reader, there was a great article by Peggy Anne Salz on page A10 yesterday (it’s not available online).  Peggy talks about the value of using metrics as a corporate tool and how companies like Anheuser-Busch, Procter & Gamble and Google use metrics to improve decision-making and performance. I’m a…Read More